Saskia Lang medicine earth


I’m Saskia, Mesa Carrier, Teacher,  Movement Scientist (B.A.), Kinesiologist and Nature Mystic. I am passionate about helping you remember your connection to Mother Earth and yourself. Reawakening the wisdom and power you carry within yourself. Deeping your connection with all life there is. 

In these times it is vital for you to come home inside of you, centered, empowered, living your highest potential by taking care of your needs, creating flow in your life and bringing your gifts to this beautiful world.

It is a time to create a sacred space for you to remember the feeling of belonging and relating to all Creation. It is also helping you discover the uniqueness of your own potential. It is safe to be you-in your whole, embodied, glorious, wild, vulnerable expression of self!

The teachings I share are rooted in traditional wisdom of the indigenous communities of the high mountains in Peru, my own learnings and experience walking this path for years, as well as in modern day scientific findings through my scientific background.

Join me in walking this path of remembering, integrating and awakening!

Deep gratitude

tree heart nature


Medicine Earth is created as a sacred space for you to discover your innate wisdom, your gifts and relationship with Mother Earth and the stars. Inviting back the magic and wonders our life here on earth has to offer us trough the art of communion, ceremony and relationship. 

Medicine Earth Courses are teaching ways of reconnecting back to Mother Earth, how to integrate and align all parts of you, to awaken your inner compass and live life in alignement. 

All sacred wisdom is held with integrity, love and graditude to the indigenous communities the teachings are rooted in.

Mother Earth's Love

Many years ago the teachings and the people of the indigenous communities in the Andes, Peru have changed my life. 

My beloved teachers have shown me to live in harmony within myself and Mother Earth. Mother Earth’s love has transformed longing into belonging. By reconnecting to Pachamama, as we call her, I have discovered my relationship to the Earth, all living beings and the stars. Witnessing the ever renewing energy of nature, my own power reawakened, while finding softness in the touch of the wind. Watching the trees swing in the wind while remaining deeply rooted in the ground. I’ve learned to treasure my own uniqueness and create a life that is in alignment with myself and with Mother Earth.

I am blessed to be initiated in the lineage of the seven rays, of Chinchero, the Inkari Lineage of Q´ero and the Waskar Lineage of Wasau. 

Infinite graditude to all the indigenous communities all over the world, that have endured so much to keep the wisdom of living in harmony with all relation alive. Thank you for your genorosity of sharing with your brothers and sisters that have long forgotten their connection to the land. Thank you for helping us remember!