You are unable to change a habit or let go of a thought pattern no matter how hard you’ve tried?

You want to trust in life but something in the back of your mind tells you to keep your guard up? 

Your way of life is restricted by the fear of being seen?


This is a sign that the patterns your nervous system once created to keep you safe are now keeping you stuck.

It’s time to write a new story!


In this 5 week online course you will learn powerful & proven practices of the Q’ero people of Peru to release your past, experience healing and connection and clear the pathways of your future.

Every week we will come together in community to become aware of our patterns, rewire and heal. We’ll meet in a space of integrity
and love being held by Mother Earth and the Cosmos.

These ancient practices have been transmitted to me by my Andean Masters and have literally transformed my life and that of many of my clients. The rituals are shared in an authentic way alchemized with modern day science so our western brain does not get lost in the process.



Time & Dates of the live classes

Rebirth Journey

What is included:


*To be paid in full before April 4th 2023. Payment is non refundable. 


Register by making your Payment via Paypal. You will receive a confirmation email within 24h after payment. 

If you have any troubles or questions please contact me!

Sign up

To sign up click below to make your payment via Paypal. Please add your full name,emailadress and the title of the class (“Rebirth”)

Join me in releasing old patterns, rewire your nervous system and clear the pathways of your future!

Please contact me for for any questions you might have via email

or send me a message on instagram